Q. How do I download documents from British Standards Online (BSOL) for offline reading?
Downloading documents on British Standards Online can be a bit tricky. The easiest way to read a standard is to use the Quick View function to read it online.
If you want to download the standard to read offline, you will first have to install a plugin called FileOpen. On University computers FileOpen is available from AppsAnywhere, or on your own computer you can download the installer here: https://plugin.fileopen.com/
Once you have the File Open plugin installed and have downloaded the Standard (make sure you save it to a location on your computer) you must open it with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
If you are using a Mac and are having issues downloading standards, use 'quick view' or:
a) Check you have the right installer
b) Check the FileOpen Mac troubleshooting tips
Additional information can be found on the BSOL website